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Influencer, licensed tour guide, a guide over the French Rivera and Provence. In Poland, he worked as a journalist, head of customer service department, and Public Relations manager. Since 2014 he has been living in Nice and since then, he has been popularizing France in his blogs and in social media. He also publishes a podcast in which he, along with his guests, discusses various aspects of living in France. Tomasz’s media community uses his recommendations for accommodation, restaurants and tourist destinations.


The LazurowyPrzewodnik.pl blog: 4th best travel blog in Poland in the Ranking Polskich Blogów Podróżniczych 2019 (Polish Travel Blog Ranking 2019) and the largest Polish-language guide about the French Rivera, Provence, and Occitania. This is Tomasz’s main blog, where he publishes, inter alia, travel reports, guides to the most interesting places in the world (e.g. Paris, Rome, Corsica, New York and California), as well as French curiosities.

The Prowansja.pl blog: this is the most valuable internet domain belonging to Tomasz and an invaluable Polish guide to Provence and the French Rivera. The materials published here will be part of the printed guidebooks around the region (project in progress).

The FrenchRiviera.travel blog: a guide to the French Rivera and Provence in English. Tomasz takes advantage of this project to popularize the region among international, English speaking audiences.

The Szkocki.pl blog: a guide to Scotland and a project to which Tomasz is a co-author. The second member of the team lives in Scotland and from there provides up-to-date information concerning the region.

The « Życie we Francji » podcast (life in France) is a program available on all podcast platforms, i.e. Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast as well as on the lazurowyprzewodnik.pl/podcast website. Tomasz discusses French everyday life with the invited guests. The topics covered concern many areas of life in France, from food, through lifestyle, to administrative matters. New episodes are released every Saturday (with breaks between seasons).